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Successful Career In USA

At ABCO Computers, We provide comprehensive support for individuals seeking to build a successful career in the USA. Our services under the “Career in the USA” program include: Fully Funded Master’s Program: We offer fully funded master’s programs in various Services In IT disciplines, providing an opportunity for individuals to pursue advanced studies without the burden of financial obligations. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the competitive job market.

Job Placement Assistance

Our extensive network of industry partners enables us to guarantee job placement for our graduates. We provide guidance and support throughout the job search process, connecting students with exciting career opportunities in renowned IT firms across the USA.

Career Counseling

We offer personalized career counseling services to help individuals identify their strengths, interests, and career goals. Our experienced counselors provide guidance on career pathways, industry trends, and professional development, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their career trajectories.

In "Masters In USA" Program, We Offer

  • Fully Funded Master’s Program: We provide fully funded master’s programs in various IT disciplines, allowing students to pursue advanced studies at prestigious universities in the USA. Our comprehensive financial support ensures that talented individuals have the opportunity to access top-tier education without financial barriers.
  • Academic Support:

    We assist students throughout their academic journey, offering guidance on course selection, academic planning, and research projects. Our dedicated team is committed to providing the necessary support and resources to help students thrive in their master’s program.

  • Networking Opportunities:

    We provide networking opportunities for students to connect with industry professionals, researchers, and fellow students. These connections foster collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and potential career opportunities, enhancing the overall educational experience.

At ABCO Computers, we are dedicated to empowering individuals through our “Career in USA” and “Masters in USA” services. Whether you aspire to pursue higher education or kick-start your career in the IT industry, we provide the necessary resources, mentorship, and job placement assistance to help you succeed. Join us today and unlock your potential in the dynamic world of technology.

ABCO Computers Services In IT : Launch your US career with fully funded IT master's programs. Unlock skills without financial stress. Excel in the job market.

Once In A Life Time Opportunity

At ABCO Computers, we provide comprehensive support for individuals seeking to build a successful career in the USA. Our services under the “Career in the USA” program include: Fully Funded Master’s Program: We offer fully funded master’s programs in various IT disciplines, providing an opportunity for individuals to pursue advanced studies without the burden of financial obligations. This program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in the competitive job market.

Our Job Placement in USA Includes

Industry Connections

We have established strong relationships with a wide network of IT firms across the USA. Through our industry connections, we gain valuable insights into job market trends and requirements, enabling us to match candidates with suitable positions.

Resume and Interview Preparation

We provide personalized guidance on resume building, ensuring that your skills, qualifications, and experience are effectively showcased. Additionally, we offer interview preparation workshops and mock interviews to help you confidently present yourself to potential employers.

Job Search Assistance

Our team assists you in navigating the job market, identifying relevant job openings, and submitting applications. We provide guidance on optimizing your online presence, leveraging professional networks, and accessing job boards to enhance your job search efforts.

Career Counseling

Our experienced career counselors offer one-on-one sessions to help you define and refine your career goals. They provide guidance on industry trends, career pathways, and opportunities for professional growth, empowering you to make informed decisions about your career trajectory.

Continuous Support

Even after securing a job, our support doesn't end there. We offer ongoing support and guidance to help you thrive in your new role. We provide resources for professional development, networking opportunities, and career advancement strategies.


By choosing ABCO Computers for Job Placement in USA, you gain access to a wealth of resources and expertise aimed at maximizing your chances of landing a rewarding job in the IT industry. Our commitment to your success extends beyond job placement, as we strive to support your long-term career growth. Join us today and let ABCO Computers be your trusted partner in securing a fulfilling and prosperous career in the USA’s thriving IT sector.