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Work Visa


If you are a skilled professional seeking employment opportunities in the USA

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ABCO Computers is thrilled to present an extraordinary career opportunity in the United States, offering a fully funded master’s program for aspiring professionals. Imagine pursuing your higher education without worrying about financial constraints. With ABCO Computers, this dream can become a reality.

Student Visa


If you are a graduate student aspiring to pursue higher education in the USA

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Permanent Residency

Green card

A Green Card, officially known as Lawful Permanent Resident status, allows individuals to live and work permanently in USA

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Welcome to ABCO Computers: Your Gateway to a Promising Future!

ABCO Computers is thrilled to present an extraordinary career opportunity in the United States, offering a fully funded master’s program for aspiring professionals. Imagine pursuing your higher education without worrying about financial constraints. With ABCO Computers, this dream can become a reality.

Trust me! I will boost your communication skills.
Get on the path to financial freedom.

Your Gateway to a Promising Future

"Where talent meets opportunity, and innovation fuels success."

Comprehensive Financial Support

We understand the financial burden that often accompanies advanced education. That's why ABCO Computers is dedicated to covering all the expenses associated with the master's program.

Guidance and Mentorship Every Step of the Way

At ABCO Computers, we believe that success comes from not only financial support but also comprehensive mentorship. Our highly experienced and dedicated team is here to guide and support.

ABCO Computers is thrilled to present an extraordinary career opportunity in the United States, offering a fully funded master’s program for aspiring professionals. Imagine pursuing your higher education without worrying about financial constraints. With ABCO Computers, this dream can become a reality.
Guaranteed Job Placement in the USA

With ABCO Computers, We offer training in a wide range of cutting-edge technologies, enabling you to stay ahead in the dynamic IT industry. Our track record speaks for itself, as we consistently place 1000 to 1200 IT professionals each year.

ABCO Computers is thrilled to present an extraordinary career opportunity in the United States, offering a fully funded master’s program for aspiring professionals. Imagine pursuing your higher education without worrying about financial constraints. With ABCO Computers, this dream can become a reality.
Open to Graduates from All Fields of Study

We firmly believe in diversity and equal opportunities. Regardless of your field of study, ABCO Computers welcomes all graduates to apply for this life-changing opportunity. Your passion and dedication are what matter most to us.

ABCO Computers is thrilled to present an extraordinary career opportunity in the United States, offering a fully funded master’s program for aspiring professionals. Imagine pursuing your higher education without worrying about financial constraints. With ABCO Computers, this dream can become a reality.
No Fees, Loans, or Hidden Charges

Abco Computers believes in transparency and eliminating financial barriers that hinder talented individuals from pursuing their dreams. We guarantee that there are no fees, loans, or hidden charges associated with our program.

Take the First Step towards an Extraordinary Future

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey with ABCO Computers? Join us today, and unlock your potential in the IT industry. Take advantage of our fully funded master's program, free mentorship and guidance, guaranteed job placement, and the opportunity .

Our services

"Your trusted partner in finding top IT talent and delivering exceptional staffing services"

ABCO Computers is thrilled to present an extraordinary career opportunity in the United States, offering a fully funded master’s program for aspiring professionals. Imagine pursuing your higher education without worrying about financial constraints. With ABCO Computers, this dream can become a reality.

Are you passionate about pursuing a rewarding career in the field of Information Technology (IT)? Look no further than ABCO Computers, your trusted partner for an IT career in the USA.

Are you ready to launch your career in the thriving Information Technology (IT) industry in the United States? Look no further than ABCO Computers, your trusted partner for IT job placement in the USA. We are committed to connecting talented individuals like you with exciting job opportunities that align with your skills, experience, and career goals.

Are you ready to launch your career in the thriving Information Technology (IT) industry in the United States? Look no further than ABCO Computers, your trusted partner for IT job placement in the USA.

Are you ready to take your education to the next level and pursue a master’s degree in the United States? Abco Computers is here to guide you on your journey towards academic excellence and career advancement. Our Masters in USA program offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals seeking a top-tier education and a transformative experience.

Are you ready to take your education to the next level and pursue a master’s degree in the United States? ABCO Computers is here to guide you on your journey towards academic excellence and career advancement.


Why Indians Should Consider the USA for Higher Studies and Career Opportunities?



"At ABCO Computers, we understand that success lies in connecting the right people with the right opportunities."

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."

John D. Rockefeller